Thursday 22 September 2011

Thankful.....for penises!

OK. First let me clarify, this is not a post about MY gratitude for the male appendage. It is one about a little boys own love affair with the *best *body* part* ever*.

Charlie has recently discovered his. During naked time or bum changes his hands go there instantly. Fine when there's not poop. Yuck when there is.

Bravo Has now decided his is a toy. No, not a toy. A weapon. Yup.When he goes to the potty he often just doesn't put his pants back on so he's frequently seen running around Donald Duck-style. Yesterday he came whipping around the corner making his shooting gun fire noise and I turned around to see what the weapon of choice was today. A sandwich? A cloth? A wooden spoon? My toothbrush? Nope. He was holding his penis in his hand running around and pretend shooting at things. While in the tub Bravo tries to push it back in yelling "In, Penis! In, Penis! See you later, Penis!". We've worked a lot on "you can not play with Charlie's penis. That's only Charlie's special penis, not yours" when they're in the tub together. Also, "Mooooom! Bravo is touching me with his penis!" is screamed across the house at least once a week by Alpha.

Which brings us to Alpha.
He turns four in 2 days. And the love that boy has for his boy parts is incredible.
We've had multiple conversations of late about the wonder of penises . (why are they sometimes bigger? why does pee come out? why do we hide them in under pants? etc etc etc.)

Conversation in the tub last week.
A-"Mom, when I was in your tummy and you made me did you make all of me?"
me- "sure did."
A- "like my toes and my nose and my face?"
Me- "Yup. All of you. Your toes and nose and adorable little face and your ears and knees and...."
A- "and my penis?"
Me- "yup. That too."
A- "Thank you mommy."
Me- "for what?"
A- "For making me my own special special penis. I love it so much mommy and I'll take really good care of it. I promise."

The end.


  1. LOL....LOVE IT! Reminds me when I told Camden to stop being so rough with his in the tub or it would fall off. He told me if he broke it he would buy a new one. I then explained you can't buy a new one...Oh he said I'd be a girl. Smart kids. but your penis stories are too funny and oh so typical of boys. We have several penis conversations in the day too

  2. Oh, this is SO funny! I really had no idea the obsession started so early on!

  3. hahahahahaha. Definitely a story to save for his wedding!
