Wednesday 23 November 2011

thankful- for a really good day

Alpha and bravo woke up on the happiest side of bed this morning. They both came down smiling and singing then sat at the table and Alpha made his own jam toast and both just sat calmly and nicely and ate. Charlie woke up shortly after and sat in his chair with jam toast that Alpha made him and a grated pear the bravo picked out for him. Then the two older ones went and picked out their clothes and got dressed as independently as they each know how and put their dishes in the sink and clothes in the laundry with no prompting. Then they watched cartoons for 5 minutes (and got along!) until we were ready to go to playgroup. And at playgroup they were perfect little angels who said please and thank you and they shared and took turns and washed their hands and ate snack like humans and then left as soon as I said "time to go". We were off to the chiropractors, where they sat calmly and coloured (let me insert here that Alpha has NEVER EVER EVER sat calmly and coloured in his whole entire life) and didn't even fight over who got to sit in the red chair. Then after Charlie and I got adjusted (Delta is doing a number on my poor tired back) they left again super calmly and easily then we got take-out from burger king and sat in the basement and watched smurfs and ate super calmly and neatly and not spilly-spilly disasters while the merry maids that my mom gifted us cleaned my kitchen (feeling weird and guilty about somebody else cleaning my mess, but whatever). Then they played "hide the penguin" (not actually, for once, a game about penises, but a game involving hiding the toy penguins from BK) and then promptly went to their rooms because it was rest time. Charlie was also calm throughout the morning, though a bit POd because I messed up his nap time.

holy crap.

Who replaced my children with.... humans?? Who know how to behave?? And don't freak out over nothing??? Today I feel like a fourth baby will be OK.

But probably don't talk to me tomorrow when my good kids are replaced by crazed monsters. Because for each action there is an equal and opposite reaction, right??

Anyways- I've been feeling pretty low and down and run dry. So it was super great that this morning I had the perfect children. SO today I am thankful for the days when all ducks (children, whatever) line up and the day goes well.

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad they are taking it easy on you today. I think it must be some weird bug going around. C is actually behaving too and unloaded the whole dishwasher.
