Friday 20 January 2012

Doing something right

I have a LOT of days, especially lately, that I think I am doing a lot of things wrong. Dinner times are a loud stressful disaster, my house is just plain gross, my children spend most of the day beating on each other, they watch too much TV, don't eat enough vegetables, the list could go on for an uncomfortable amount of time.

But every now and then I get the feeling that we are doing something right. Like maybe my kid's WON'T be ruined for life with no social skills or ability to behave in the real world.

Like last night. We had a hodge-podge dinner, which is good because it's about the only dinner that I can actually enjoy because they're not being big giant freaks. Anyway. The dinner included a left-over fruit plate. And while my kids don't eat enough vegetables (well, Bravo anyways, Alpha loves raw veggies and Charlie throws most things, veggies or not off his tray. Gravity testing.) they certainly eat enough fruit. Berries in our house are gold. No, more valuable in gold. And I've spent the fortune on it to prove that they're worth gold.

Right, so we had a fruit plate and I just plunked it on the table and before I could blink the older two had snagged 4 strawberries each so I quickly grabbed 2 for Charlie and then noticed that somehow Matt had invoked his super ninja stealth skills and was munching on a strawberry. I'm very used to not getting strawberries in our house because they are the gods of fruit. SO Alpha was sitting at the table counting (always counting, never ending counting) how many strawberries everybody had. He looked at me and asked if I had eaten my strawberries already. "no, honey, I don't have any strawberries. You got 4, Bravo got 4, Charlie got 2 and Daddy got 1." He looked heartbroken. He had little tears in his eyes and said that he loves strawberries and I would to and Daddy should go buy some. I assured him I was fine and next time strawberries were on sale we would buy more. He then picked up one of his 2 remaining berries, walked over to me, kissed me on the nose, and said "here you go mommy, it will be delicious."

Like I said, we're doing something right. And that was the best tasting strawberry I have ever eaten.


  1. Sweetest thing I've heard all week! Melt!

  2. Awww. What a little gentleman. You're raising so great boys.

  3. Awww seriously MELT MY HEART!
