Tuesday 7 February 2012

Personal accomplishments.

Go Me!!
In the last bit, I, Chrissy Jennings, have:
A)       Posted every single weekday starting last Tuesday. Truth be told I’m writing a few of them at work on Saturdays and them email them to myself and then post them all on delayed posts on Sunday night and then I don’t have to do anything for the rest of the week except to think of random stupid thing (like this) that I want to post! Yup- I’m awesome.
B)      Stopped biting my nails. And mostly stopped ripping my nails. I have not had nails since…… I think I was 6? I have a vivid memory of my dad clipping my nails down to bleeding because I scratched y brother’s face (he totally deserved it, they just didn’t see that then) and I don’t really think they had to get cut after that. Right- this is about nails. I have them!! I went to itch my arm the other day and was shocked because it kind of hurt because I was scratching with nails and not finger tips. Yay me!! It’s been 3 weeks and I only worried one nail off because I was in a movie theatre and it snagged and then I had 2 hours that I tried to deal but couldn’t so I ripped it off and then filed at home. I must get a file for my pocket.
C)       As mentioned in B., I went to a movie. Now, this may not seem like a personal accomplishment, but it is, my dear friends, it is. Because first- it was a grown up movie. No cartoons, no potty humour, no talking puppies, none of that crap wonderful stuff. Second- it was with my husband. It was a real date!! Grandma had the boys, we ditched for supper and then just went out the two of us. For three hours. Alone. Boo ya!
D)      Had three showers this week. Granted 2 of them were because I had the stomach flu and being covered in sweat and vomit is gross, but still. 3 is pretty good.( Actually as I write this it’s Saturday and I’m planning on showering tonight so....) let’s change this to:
I had 4 showers last week!!!!! Now, this may not seem like an accomplishment. But trust me, it is. I usually get 2 in, and on a really really good week (or bad- depending, sometimes getting pooped or peed on helps my showering cause) I’ll have 3. So 4 in one week is…. Really really awesome.
E)      Speaking of really awesome… I spent a whole day in bed mostly sleeping. And I read a magazine and played on my iPod touch and really didn’t move out of bed. I think I rolled out of it at 2pm and was back in it at 8pm, and stayed in it until 8:15 the next morning. OK. In my fantasy this is really awesome. How many times have I said ‘I just don’t want to get out of bed today”? A lot. HOWEVER… in my day dreams of spending all day in bed I am not barfing into a Ziploc container. And I can move without barfing. And I’m not doped up on gravol. But whatever, I can’t have everything, right?? Matthew was a wonderful man and took the day off so I could die in bed all day. I’m not sure how I would have handled life that day if he had not done that. And then after the kids were in bed he went to buy me some soup because we had run out and it’s all I wanted to eat and he was worried about the child inside of me getting only 2 crackers and a tin of ginger ale.
F)       I sat down and did crafts with the boys. This may also not sound like an accomplishment, but I felt like super mom. We made clouds out of a lot of glue, cotton balls, and cereal boxes. The clouds are now on their wall along with their name airplanes (red paint, white letters, and cereal boxes) to make their airplane room look amazing. Doing crafts with Alpha and Bravo is tricky. Because one paint brush is identical to the other way better than the other one, and one red crayon is bigger than the other, and one tinfoil plate has more glue on it and anyways, let’s race. Around the house. At top speed. Holding red paint brushes. Sigh……. But we did it!! And it was actually pretty fun and the world didn’t end and there was only a wee bit of bickering and the red paint came off the floor. Maybe as they get older I’ll get braver and do more. Thank goodness they go to playschool where they have somebody that has the energy to do crafts.
G)      I made a menu plan for the next 2 weeks. Sticking to it will require more planning and time to do a real shop- but I did it!
Mmm, I think that’s it. I know this all sounds pretty mundane and boring, and I guess it is, but it’s life as Mom for Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, and almost Delta, and I love it. Well, I could do with less puke (mine and everybody else’s) but other than that, I have a pretty awesome life. And I have nails!!!!!

Oh wait... one more to add.

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