We have been through a relationship not once, not twice, not thrice, but FOUR times now, and I am beginning to think you don't really like me. If you did I would not currently be on the basement couch at 3:51am in the most uncomfortable position known to man reeking like baby barf because I have projectile vomit in my hair and all down my shirt while a baby sleeps on me for no more than 47 seconds at a time unless I sway my body and pat her bum aggressively.
Could we at least make a deal??? Do you deal??? I get through whatever it is you keep throwing at me and then at 6 months all my children sleep through the night each and every night??? Please????? How about you just say yes to give me hope do I don't plunge forks into my tired burning eyes???
On the plus side, you only have one more to get to that point!! You can do it, you can do it, you can do it.