1. My name is not Chrissy Jennings, but we've covered that before. I like having a fake name. It makes me feel..... special. Or really dorky. And really sneaky when I tell the too skinny girl in the store that my name is Chrissy but it's totally not. And then I just get my happy "I'm so sneaky" smile on and the chick thinks I actually like the dress that makes me look terrible and washed out and 75 pounds heavier than I actually am.
2. I'm awkward and shy and stupid around people and don't know how social skills work. I make comments to little old ladies who are being... interfering.... like "oh go stuff it you old bat" before realizing that my mouth actually opened and words actually came out instead of it being the inside thought it was supposed to be. I try to hide that I'm awkward and shy and don't know how to be around people, but it's really really hard. And sometimes I fail. Badly.
3. I like to knit. And I especially like to knit things that have to do with food. Because it's funny. I think most food things are funny.
4. Linked to number three is the person I am most jealous of in this world, Saxton Freyman whose job it is to make stupid things out of food and then take pictures of them.
Like those. And I own every book he put out plus some playing cards and I think 4 years of his calendars. Because I love him. And i wish I had done that first.
5. I know lots of people think their husbands are the best. And maybe they're right. but Matthew is the very very best for me. I don't know why he loves me, but he does. He loves me like cake, and that's a lot. And I love him like cake, too.
6. I also know everybody thinks their kids are the cutest. And they're wrong. Because mine are. Well, I've seem some freaking cute little girls at Alpha's play school. And they're the cutest girls I've ever seen. But mine are the cutest boys. Maybe because they all look ecaxtly the same and there's extra cutenss involved when there are duplicates- especially three little tiny people that have heads shaped kind of like lego men.. I love them more than bacon. And that's a lot, too. Because cake and bacon are probably my two most favourite foods in the whole world.
7. My first love is George Clooney, circa Return of the Killer Tomatoes and Sisters.

He's still freaking hot now. I love him ALMOST as much as bacon and have since I was 12. And now I'm 32. I think 20 years classifies as true love. He broke my heart when he got in that car and died from the car bomb. Poor Falconer.
8. I regularly watch Top Gun and I regulalry cry while doing so. You think after all this time Goose would know about the jet wash and STAY AWAY. But nope, into the jet wash they go, spin spin crash and then he dies. Oh- who's up there? (the only correct answer is Cougar and Merlin adn Maverik and Goose.)
9. I like car racing movies. and heist-y movies. And for some reason people have not figured out that Edward Norton is evil. NEVER TRUST EDWARD NORTON, PEOPLE!!!! He is just trying to get all the loot for himself.
10. My fvourite time of day is nap time when all three babies are in their rooms and I get to do nothing. My least favourite time of day is 4:30 when everybody goes crazy and make me want it to be bedtime.
11. I like fall the best. It smells good, has no bugs, has crunchy leaves, doesn't make my face swell all gross, lets me wear sweaters and sneakers, and is just the pretiest.
12. I used to like winter becasue I have a nice warm home and hot choclate and books and baths and I can watch the cold world from my warm blanket on the couch. But then I had kids and now I am burried in a huge heap of mis-matched mittens (seriously, where are all the left hand mittens????) and snow pants and parkas and boots and toques and socks and scarves and some how I'm supposed to find time in the day to dress three small people in all of it to get outside at the time of year when the days are shortest. It's cruelty. It now takes an hour to get all of my small people peed and dressed and booted and out the door. And that's when I usually realize I'm still wearing pajamas and haven't brushed my hair. Or teeth. I hate winter now. And I can't wait for the day when my small people can put on their own snow suits and I can get back to liking it.
13. I don't care about salt but I am a sugar junky. Matthew though loves him some salt and I've started to veer ever so slightly to that side, but not too far.
14. If I got to eat any take-out food I wanted it would be Chinese food every single time. But that's not often becuase it would kill Bravo, and well, I like him even more than Chinese food. And again, that's saying a lot.
Ok. 14 things seems like a nice round number. The end.
15. I'm really really bad at spelling and even worse at typing. I mean really bad. And right now spell check isn't working so it's not my sault... see?? Fault that this post is going to be hard to read. Not my fault at all. Blame it on the few year period in Alberta that the school division I went to decided to try a new approach to spelling "let's not correct kids spelling... just teach them to read and write and we'll woryy about the spelling later". Then in grade 4 I switched divisions and they expected me to already know how to spell so it just never got dealt with. The sheer amount of times I don't write the word I want to because I don't know how to spell it and then I settle for a less appropriate word is astounding. And computers weren't mandatory in school- so I seriously suck at typing.
Ok. That's all now. 15 is a nice round nuemerhb (see???) too.
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