OK. It is my first job to tell you that my name is not actually Chrissy Jennings. It's the fake name I made up for myself a while back and use for things like reservations or putting a dress on hold or telling some random person my name or signing in for an open house or something like that. I used to be Ella Green (good name) BUT then I decided that nobody in my generation is named Ella, so I changed to something more time stamped to the late 70s. And my husbands name is NOT Matt. But same thing. He has a different fake name he made for himself, but Chrissy decided her husbands name was Matt. And then I googled Chrissy Jennings and Chrissy & Matt Jennings and these are what I got. I'm probably somewhere between the first two pictures. And I WISH that I looked like the third Chrissy. She's hot! BUT.... my husband is hotter than hers. Ha! Anyways.
From here on in I shall be Chrissy and Husband shall be called Matt. Matthew. Matt and I got married 5 years ago today. Yay!! We're not doing much for our anniversary. On Saturday we're going out to our tried and true dinner place and today nothing other than trying out some new underpants I bought. When we got married we had grand plans of staying at the same fancy nice hotel we did on our wedding night and getting massages and other wonderful things.

BUT... we didn't so much realize then that we would have 3 kids. Alpha is 4 in 10 days. He was due the day before our first anniversary but came 11 days late. Bravo is close to 2.5, and new little Charlie is not so new anymore and was 8 months old 2 days ago. But as Charile hates sleeping getting away for a 3 hours is going to be challenging anough, let alone an entire night.
So... Happy anniversary Matt. I lvoe you. Even if I'm crazy and stole somebody else's pictures. Which, by the way, is EXACTLY why I don't put pictures of my family on blogs or face book or the like. Cause creepy people like me will steal them and make up a fake persona. Mostly I think it's funny that a quick search for Matt and Chrissy Jennings found me "our" picture.
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